It's 2011 and I'm failing at my blog again. New years brings new resolutions and one of mine is to keep up on this more.
Well, today is going to be Dominic's birth story. I finally have space again and it feels oh so good.
On Monday I just felt crappy, nothing I could pin point but just off. I was 37w4d pregnant. We did all our 4th of July stuff but missed fireworks because of rain, luckily we had gone the night before to see some.
I told Mary Lou, my mother in law, I just didn't feel so hot, just kinda off and she guessed I would go into labor soon. I woke up around midnight with cramping, but I had been having that on and off for a while so I brushed it off. But it was strong enough I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up for a bit.
I noticed they were coming every few minutes so we called Mary Lou to come on over. She got here around 2:30 and we were off to the hospital. I asked Zach before we left, "Do you think this is it?"
He simply answered, "No, not yet."
He was wrong.
I was 4cm dilated and contracting every 4 minutes when we got there. By 8am I was 5cm and still contracting every 3-4 minutes. I could feel them but they weren't painful so I just talked to Zach.
Then it hit me.....we are having another baby. Today. I kept hoping that Jameson would be a good big brother and I would fall into being a mom of three with ease. But I was nervous. I was also nervous because I didn't want an epidural.
I didn't have an epidural with Briana and it hurt like hell so I had one with Jameson and I hated the feeling of it.
I couldn't feel or move my legs and just didn't like it. So no epidural it was.
My water broke at 9:25ish and the fun really began. Zach made sure to ask if I wanted epidural at least 3 times. Goof, but he was worried seeing me like that, he'd rather I felt nothing. I like to feel my body change with each contraction, even if it hurt.
At 9:45ish I called in the nurse, the pain was so intense I wanted something to take the edge off in my IV. She checked me and I was 7cm. She went to go ask the doctor about my IV options and at 9:50 I told Zach to get someone in there NOW!
It was time to push.
The nurse rushed in and sure enough I was ready and my body was taking over. There is no "not pushing" when it's time, your body knows what to do and it does it. The doctor rushed in just as Dominic was crowning and my beautiful baby boy was born at 9:58am. He weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 19.5 inches long, perfect. Sheer perfection.
Poor little rushed out of the birth canal so fast his little face was bruised but he was still perfect. And now, almost 6 months later, he's still sheer perfection.
He also has a pretty awesome big brother, but more on that later.